About once a month, Ricardo takes Savannah to McDonalds for a little daddy-daughter date. The main attraction here, or course, is the playland....with the fries running a close second.
Today we were lounging around the living room in typical lazy Sunday-afternoon fashion. "Hey, why don't I take her to M-c-D-o-n-a-l-d-s for our little date?" Ricardo said, spelling it out so we could avoid a premature meltdown from Savannah if I didn't give my approval.
He shouldn't have bothered, she wouldn't have gotten it anyway, which was proven by my question to her. "Oh good idea.... Savannah, do you want to go to McDonald's?"
"What do they have at McDonalds?" I was expecting her to shout out fries or play.
Talk about a one track mind....we'll see how long that lasts. :) It won't be long until she's thinking fries instead of Old McDonald Had a Farm.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
Baby talk
A few weeks back, Ricardo and I were out and about by ourselves, with Savannah at home with Grandma. We were walking back to our car from the mall, and an airplane flew overhead. Without thinking, I said, "Hey, look, an airplane!"
Pretty sad, huh?
Even sadder, he didn't think there was anything strange about it. He agreed. "Oh, yeah, there sure is...."
Let me tell you, this type of intellectually stimulating conversation would have never happened before Savannah came along. I guess I have pointed out one too many airplanes to her.
Pretty sad, huh?
Even sadder, he didn't think there was anything strange about it. He agreed. "Oh, yeah, there sure is...."
Let me tell you, this type of intellectually stimulating conversation would have never happened before Savannah came along. I guess I have pointed out one too many airplanes to her.
Yes, you're so helpful...now go play.
Savannah is at that wonderful stage where she thinks she can do everything and anything by herself. It's great, it really is, and I try to encourage her to do as much as possible, because after all, that's how they learn, right? I take advantage of it, too, and have her run around and fetch things for me. ..."Savannah, go and get Mama's brush, ok?" She scurries off, and brings it back, and I say , "Thank you so much! You're so helpful!"
Today I was loading the dishwasher, an activity that thrills Savannah to no end. Hopefully she'll have retained this enthusiasm in about 8 years or so, but we shall see. I wasn't paying much attention to her as she moved her little Diego chair over to sit close by. I looked down in time to see her removing every dish that I had just put in.
"Savannah! No! What are you doing?"
She turned her sweet brown eyes on me and said, "So helpful, Mama!"
And there wasn't much of anything I could say to that.
Today I was loading the dishwasher, an activity that thrills Savannah to no end. Hopefully she'll have retained this enthusiasm in about 8 years or so, but we shall see. I wasn't paying much attention to her as she moved her little Diego chair over to sit close by. I looked down in time to see her removing every dish that I had just put in.
"Savannah! No! What are you doing?"
She turned her sweet brown eyes on me and said, "So helpful, Mama!"
And there wasn't much of anything I could say to that.
The past few months....
....have been absolutely crazy. I have had no inspiration to blog about it here, probably because there was just too much going on, but suffice it to say that I have learned some very valuable lessons about timing...as in, my timing is no where close to God's timing. And now that we are on the other side of things, I can say with absolute certainty that God's timing is far more perfect than my own. Of course I knew that even while in the midst of the craziness, but it helps to see things in hindsight sometimes.
Some of the craziness resulted from getting the business started, getting the required money to the right people, flying Ricardo out to New York for training, and just a whole host of other little stressful things. But then in the midst of all this, we got a call on February 27th that Ricardo's dad had suffered a stroke. Ricardo was absolutely devastated, not knowing the extent to which his dad was affected. They ended up flying both his dad and mom here and admitting him to the hospital, where he underwent treatment and therapy for 3 weeks. It was a long 3 weeks for everyone, but they are back in there hometown now. His dad is still in a rehab center, but overall he is much improved.
Jeremy came for a visit last week, and it was absolutely fantastic to see him. Savannah didn't want anything to do with him for the first 10 min., but he won her over by giving her Bob the Tomato, and after playing with her for a bit, she was stuck to his side for the rest of the weekend. When we dropped him off at the airport, she kept asking, "Where Dee-mee is?"
And this morning at breakfast, she showed me Bob the Tomato and informed me that Jeremy had given it to her.
So that's the extremely brief update for the past two months. Now that things have settled down a bit, I think I'll start back to writing more and keeping up with all the memories that are created every day around here....
...like planting spring flowers together.

Uncle Jeremy's visit

Happy Easter!

Some of the craziness resulted from getting the business started, getting the required money to the right people, flying Ricardo out to New York for training, and just a whole host of other little stressful things. But then in the midst of all this, we got a call on February 27th that Ricardo's dad had suffered a stroke. Ricardo was absolutely devastated, not knowing the extent to which his dad was affected. They ended up flying both his dad and mom here and admitting him to the hospital, where he underwent treatment and therapy for 3 weeks. It was a long 3 weeks for everyone, but they are back in there hometown now. His dad is still in a rehab center, but overall he is much improved.
Jeremy came for a visit last week, and it was absolutely fantastic to see him. Savannah didn't want anything to do with him for the first 10 min., but he won her over by giving her Bob the Tomato, and after playing with her for a bit, she was stuck to his side for the rest of the weekend. When we dropped him off at the airport, she kept asking, "Where Dee-mee is?"
And this morning at breakfast, she showed me Bob the Tomato and informed me that Jeremy had given it to her.
So that's the extremely brief update for the past two months. Now that things have settled down a bit, I think I'll start back to writing more and keeping up with all the memories that are created every day around here....
...like planting spring flowers together.
Uncle Jeremy's visit
Happy Easter!
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