I think not.
I was shopping at Walmart on Friday, trying to remember everything I needed for Christmas while juggling numbers in my head to make sure I didn't go over my budget. In the midst of my deep contemplation, I heard someone say, "Hey, you!"
I glanced up and didn't recognize her at first. Then slowly the fuzziness fled my brain and it dawned on me...My hairdresser! Oh. no. I have NEVER seen her before outside of the salon, and of all times to run into her, it had to be after I went somewhere else and got my hair chopped.
My mind raced as I alternated between wishing my hair would magically grow 5 inches to wondering if she noticed. Worse, I was so worried about what she was thinking that I could barely make any type of decent conversation with her. Should I explain? I promise, I only got it cut because I was in Indiana and I couldn't pass up a $15 haircut at the Aveda Institute, not because I don't like you, because I do, I really really do!
Naturally, being the don't-rock-the-boat kind of person that I am, I said nothing. We chatted about her kids and Christmas and gift-buying, and she never once mentioned my hair. But I know she noticed.
Weird, isn't it? That whole feeling that you've "cheated" on your hairdresser...anyone else been there? I know, it's my hair, I can go where I want, and I shouldn't worry about it, but still...weird.
Moving on...
I know I have missed the last few HFTH updates. Last week Missy forgot to put up Mr. Linky until Friday night, so that was my excuse for not linking up. However, I actually did lose another pound last week, so that puts me at 5 pounds total. I think it's obvious that unless The Biggest Loser calls and invites me to be part of a special Christmas episode, I'm not going to reach my original goal. It would have been nice, sure, but I'm not completely disappointed...I mean, I still lost 5 pounds during the holidays. I know better than to complain about that. But I know I have a long way to go, and so even though the HFTH sisters will probably not continue, at least in any unified fashion, I will still be plugging away on my own. I will not be sorry when all of the Christmas baking and birthdays and temptation are behind me and I can start to focus again.
Thank you all so much for the birthday wishes you have sent my way...I appreciate every single one! I had a lovely birthday today - the highlight was when Savannah insisted that the cheesecake squares that I was making for the cookie exchange was my birthday cake, and that I needed to light a candle right then and there so she could sing Happy Birthday to me. I lit my Christmas Cookie Candle, put it next to the cheesecake, and then proceeded to get all weepy and blubbery as she sang, "Happy Birthday, dear Mo-mmmmyyyyy". Tell me that isn't the best present ever. And then when I blew out my candle she got mad and told me to light it again because she was supposed to be the one to blow it out.
On to the giveaway...I plugged in the numbers to random.org, and the winner of a $5 Starbucks gift card is... Sara! Congrats...I'll be emailing you to get your address.
Speaking of Starbucks, my girlfriends took me out Saturday night to dinner and then for coffee afterwards, and my friend Tara talked me into trying the Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate. It was very good, but in my humble opinion it still does not hold a candle to my beloved Caramel Macchiato or the Peppermint Mocha. But now I can say that I've tried it.
Happy Monday!