Saturday, January 10, 2009

Hot for the Holidays - Finale (for now)

Wow, the time has just flown since Missy announced her Hot for the Holidays challenge. I think it was October 17 when she invited all of us to jump on board with her. And oh, am I glad I joined. I can't imagine how much I would have gained if I had not; if nothing else, it served as a fantastic check for me every time I wanted to shovel chocolate chips into my mouth.

I had some lofty, lofty goals, oh yes I did. Which I suppose is better than having no goal at all. But my goal was 15 pounds by Christmas.

In reality, I did semi-ok right up until the week before Christmas. Then it all sort of fell apart.

I lost 5 pounds initially, which I was pretty thrilled about. Not too bad. And then in the Week Wherein it all Fell Apart, I gained 2 back.

So that's my total. 3 pounds lost. I really wish I could say it were more, but that is the truth.

But there's good news - after a couple of us pleaded and cajoled and begged Missy to continue on with this, she has agreed. So probably sometime next week, Phase 2 will kick off. Everybody is welcome to join in, so check in over at It's Almost Naptime to see when it starts. I am so looking forward to this - no more holiday treats to contend with, my knee is almost fully better (although I am still deathly afraid of running on the treadmill - I'm sticking to walking for now), and I am excited to get in much better shape. Nothing like a bunch of invisible bloggy friends to kick me into gear.

Oh - I also wanted to mention something else that I'm doing this year...Project 365. I know a lot of you are already doing this, there are quite a few different versions of this out there. But basically the whole idea is to take a picture every single day of this year, and then post them on your blog. Some people are posting every day, but I'm going to post mine every Sunday and then link up over at Sara's, our lovely hostess. Just think how much fun it will be at the end of the year to look back and see a picture for every single day of the year. Check it out, I'd love to see your pictures, too!



Moriah @ Please Pass the Salt said...

Hey, anything lost is a start!! Here's to 2009!

And I still crack up a little bit every time I see Savannah in that pic at the top. Her hood almost looks like her hair, all blown crazy.

Gretchen said...

You go, Girl! Kick it!

We made it to the club 3 of 4 times this week that I wanted to go. Not terrible. Next week will be better.

I too lurve the pic of Savannah on your header.

Rachelle said...

Congrats on your 3 pounds! You Go Girl!!!! Project 365 sounds fun!

Missy said...

Your results sound sadly similar to mine.

Project 365 sounds very interesting...hmmmm...

Chel's Leaving a Legacy said...

Honey, you did SO much better than I did over the holidays. Um hm.

I am so glad you are doing the Project 365! It's a very cool idea, isn't it? :-)

SarahHub said...

I think you did great! Most people gain weight over the holidays, and you managed to lose a little! I can't wait to see your success in 2009.

Lisa said...

Oh, yay. I'm doing the Project 365, too. I know it will be worth it on Jan 1, 2010.

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

I also think you did terrific! The numbers may not live up to your hopes, but you had some serious self discipline going on.

Erin K. said...

I think your 3 pounds found their way to MY backside. ;-)

Seriously - congrats on LOSING weight during the holidays! Woohoo!

Anonymous said...

That 365 things sounds really neat. I'd totally fall of the bandwagon if I tried, but neat nonetheless.

And congrats on your 3 pounds. Having lost 3 overall is way better than having gained 3 right? :)

mer@lifeat7000feet said...

Hey, 3 pounds is 3 pounds! That's more than I've lost.

Congratulations! I think you're doing great. It's something to lose weight during Nov/Dec!

Queen to my 3 Boys said...

"...every time I want to shovel chocolate chips in my mouth..."

Why can't we stay away from the chocolate?

It, and coffe (with Southern Butter Pecan creamer thankyouverymuch) are my biggest downfalls. I just can't give it up. Grrrr...