Sunday, September 07, 2008

Midwest Trip...The Recap

I have to admit...I was a little nervous flying by myself with Savannah. The last time we flew, she was 11 months old. She did beautifully on the way out, and everybody around looked at us, gushing their admiration, and said what a perfect baby she was. Which caused my head to pridefully inflate - just a tad.

And we all know that when our head inflates, even just a little, it must be brought rather painfully back down to size. And boy, was she happy to oblige; she decided that on the way back she would show me a thing or two. She was fine on the flight from Indy to Minneapolis, but as we started our descent, she started with the most ear-shattering wail that I have ever heard. It didn't even sound like her, high-pitched and completely hysterical. She was inconsolable, and I was beside myself. You know that feeling, when your heart pounds harder and you start to produce copious amounts of sweat; I rocked and sang and bounced and shushed her, all in vain.

It lasted at least 15 minutes, although it seemed at least three times that long, when I had a sudden epiphany....hey! I can try to nurse her! I know, common sense, right? But I was never one that had gotten the whole nursing in public thing down very good, and so it just didn't occur to me. But that did the trick...she was asleep in about 4.5 seconds.

So, with this in my memory, I wasn't sure how it would go this time around, even though she is 2 years older now. I was so relieved, she did beautifully. And at the first sign of discontent, I plugged a lollipop in her mouth, which worked it's sugary magic and kept her quiet for a good hour.

Notice Pooh Bear? He had a seat all to himself, and he is safely buckled in. She's a good mama.

We had an amazing time. My parents have a huge garden and raspberry bushes that have gone crazy, and so we spent a lot of time picking berries.

With "Kamp-pa".

I'm pretty sure there's nothing sweeter than this; a little girl, headed up the hill, swinging her berry bucket by her side.

She was an eager little beaver and started pulling off everything she saw, unripe berries and all. Until Grandpa told her, "Just the red ones, k?" And so for the next half-hour, she asked about 428 times, "Is THIS a red one, Kamp-pa?" I'm sure that didn't get old at all.

And then we made them into this. Oh, my. The picture doesn't even begin to do the yumminess justice.

Nothing like picking up an apple right off the ground and chomping into it.

Savannah loves her aunt and uncles, but since we all conveniently have names that start with J, it can be a little confusing. Jamie, Jeremy, Jon, Joe. Jamie became "Uncle Jamie" more than once.

We love Uncle Joe...

(Sorry, Uncle Jon...he flew in from Virginia for 2 days and I didn't get a single picture of him. Ooops).

Four generations!

Oh, and we made some purely sinful homemade Dark Chocolate Ice Cream. It was so decadent that we had to run out and buy a quart of vanilla ice cream to tone it down a little. Delish. As you can see, it was one of the highlights for Savannah. And judging from the way it disappeared, it was obviously a highlight for the rest of us, too.

We did make it back to my hometown in Illinois for a few hours on Sunday. The house where we grew up was still there, still cute...but not home anymore. They had cut down the evergreen tree in the backyard that I had loved, and when I saw it I got all choked up. And then felt sufficiently silly because of it.

The humidity was miserable part of the time, and my hair pretty much did whatever it wanted to. But the grass and trees and greenness and sunsets made up for it...oh, and of course the fact that my entire family was together for a few days.


IA. said...

Thanks for sharing the details of your vacation! I loved your pictures, esp the one with your lil girl and her Kamp-pa. Am sure you both brought home a lot of sweet memories to hold you through until the next trip home :D

Tracey said...

Love the pictures...I MISS RASPBERRYS!!! My favorite picture is the one of the FOUR GENERATIONS and also the house...reminds me of home!!!

ttm said...

You got so many amazing pictures! I love the pics of Savannah and her Kampa and your Mom, they are precious. OH! And the porch on your old house...I love it! I'm glad you got to go and that you had fun!

Cheri said...

I am so happy to hear the trip went well. The pictures turned out great. As an aside - my nieces call my stepmother (Kaye) Gramma Cake!

Jodie | Velour said...

Beautiful pictures, and I loved reading your story. I love the pic of you and Savannah together on the plane, and the part about the tree being cut down behind that cute, cute house. :) There are things that you don't know how much they meant until they're not there anymore. Like trees you used to climb in.
I'm so happy for you, having your whole family together again. It looks like y'all had a splendid time together. What a great thing. :)

Sarah@Life in the Parsonage said...

Loved the journey in pictures!

Thanks for sharing them with us :)

Elena said...

It was great to hear about your trip! The pictures were great and I enjoyed them very much

Unknown said...

Wow, the garden, the PIE!!, the sunset; all awesome pictures. Oh and your hair looked better than mine! :)

Marci @Finding Joy in the Journey said...

Love the pictures! Glad you got all your family together in one place for a while and enjoyed each other!

Next time you're on a journey home maybe we'll have to gather a couple of local bloggers and meet you at the DQ!

No, it's not A&W anymore. They wanted it to be an indoor restaurant to carry their name, so the owners had to go out on their own. I think their base customer following was safe enough for that! Food is pretty much the same, you can still get a rootbeer float!

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

So now that I am thoroughly starving for chocolate and raspberries... :) YUM-O! :)
These picutres were fantastic - and SO fun to read about your time with family.
Are you adjusting back to being home? For me it usually takes a while...and a few tears.

Gretchen said...

What a great vaca! And, like Wendi, I'm now starved for raspberry pie and dark chocolate ice cream. Thanks a lot. ;)

Your pics are awesome.

Alana said...

Looks like you had a lovely time! I grew up smack dab in the middle of Indiana! Love my trips home!

jennifer said...

oh, candy. that blessed miracle of a gift!

i'll be dreaming about that cake tonight. mmmm

Miriam said...

I just found your blog through Grace4Gayle... and spent about an hour reading! :) Thoroughly enjoyed it :)

Anonymous said...

What a great looking timea nd pretty pic's.

Lizz @ Yes, and So is My Heart said...

Oh, those pictures are lovely. Looks like a wonderful time. It makes me want to visit my family.

Oh, and you can send that Raspberry pie my way anytime. :)

Becky said...

Oh what fun!!! I agree, that is so sweet to see your little one with her gpa and her bucket!!!
What a neat little house you grew up in ! Love it! Would love a house like that!

Juice said...

These pictures are so precious. Thanks for sharing!

Grace Acres said...

treasure the fact that you have a wonderful family, it isn't as common as one would hope.

Lisa said...

Sweet times. What a precious thing to have the generations together. Savannah is just as sweet as she can be!

Amanda said...

definitely looks like a fabulous time...and yummy as well! seriuosly...i'm feeling the need for some pie and ice cream!

na said...

I love those trips home too. Thanks for coming over to my non-blog...there is a huge story behind that and hopefully one day soon...I will be able to get it up again.

I grew up in New Castle, but now most of my close family is gone. We had a blast when "our family" went done there for the Fourth to meet some of our other relatives for the first time.

Glad to hear you were able to keep a handle on the is a daily struggle for me.


Michelle@Life with Three said...

Sounds like it was a great trip! You got some terrific pictures -- and that pie looks so good, my stomach is growling! :)

Chel's Leaving a Legacy said...

Hello, my dear friend! Thank you for the proding you did yesterday. As you can see, it pushed me over the edge...I couldn't stay away anymore. :-)

I truly have missed reading you. I think your trip must have been heavenly. I LOVE the pic of Savannah carrying the berry bucket! That actually brought tears to my eyes!

The butterfly on the sunflower is a great pic, too. Keep em coming!


mer@lifeat7000feet said...

I'm so sorry, but I got totally lost in that picture of the pie and could hardly concentrate on anything else! LOL! YUM-O!

Carolina Mama said...

What an awesome trip home! And what kind of pie is that beauty! The pictures are perfect. Glad it was so fun. You did it!

Rachel said...

Sounds like an amazing trip. I have the sweetest memories of berry picking with my grampa and then eating his berry pie. These are memories that she will carry with her forever.

Jules from "The Roost" said...

Beautiful family! Looks like it was a blast...the pie, oh the pie, I wish I had it right now! :)

Miss Lisa said...

Looks like it was an amazing time. And agree with everyone else--that pie WOW!

SarahHub said...

What a wonderful trip! Homemade ice cream, fresh berries, and family! You can't beat it!

Unknown said...

What great pics! Looks like you had a wonderful time.

Kim said...

Nothing sweeter than a little girl and her grandpa!

Thanks for your kind words over at my place.

Unknown said...

Love the pictures...but I really love your hair cut! You look awesome!

Mamajil said...

love this post it looks like you had a wonderful time!! Great pictures!!!!