It is 1:30 a.m., so that explains the random part. The heartfelt part...well, truly, I am so very thankful...
For grace and forgiveness - not only for a God who forgives me but for a family that forgives as well when I blow it multiple times a day.
That my hubby doesn't think it's weird when I say, "Don't you wish you could shrink yourself and be transported into a little animated old-fashioned Christmas village, where it is so perfect and idyllic and serene?" And he shrugs and says, "Never thought about it that way." But he still loves me. And puts up with my obsession with animated Christmas villages.
For a baby girl whose giggle delights me like nothing else, whose eyes are the deepest of chocolate brown, and whose mind works a mile a minute and almost scares me sometimes with the speed with which it computes things.
For a family who will do anything for you.
For mashed potatoes. In which I plan to indulge in about 32 more hours. You can add stuffing and pumpkin roll to that list too. Oh, yeah. (I just realized this is the second post in a row where I have mentioned these 3 things. Maybe I've been thinking about it just a tad too much...)
That Savannah is now old enough to understand me when I yell, "Baby! Mama needs you to bring me some more toilet paper from the closet!" It's so convenient. And that might possibly be too much information, but come on, you know we've all been there.
For the ability to exercise. This whole knee thing scared me a bit, and also made me determine never to complain again about exercise. (You can remind me of that if I start getting cranky on my HFTH posts).
That His ways are not my ways. Oh, how I sometimes wish they were. Then I could avoid all of this pain, this uncomfortable place He has me in now. But He says to trust, and so I do. And I'm thankful.
For my chiropractor, the miracle-worker who makes my back feel young again.
For a hubby who wakes me up every morning to kiss me goodbye, even if I only have the presence of mind to grunt half-heartedly at him. He knows that this night owl doesn't have all her wits about her that early.
I think this is all the randomness that I can take, so...
I am thankful for all of you, my friends, both real and imaginary, whom I have built real relationships with. I appreciate every comment, every email, every prayer that I know some of you have offered up on my behalf.
I'll be absent from blogland for the next week or so. I know it's a day early, but...Happy Thanksgiving!!!