Sunday, February 08, 2009

Project 365 - Week 6

Big sigh.

Once you let yourself get behind on something, it's so hard to find the gumption to get caught back up. That's how I feel about Project 365 right now. But I'm going to pretend like I didn't miss the past two weeks and just jump back in now.

Oh, and the coughing is really starting to wear out its welcome. I think it's finally on the way out, though...along with Savannah's fever and ear infection (her first ever - I didn't even know how to properly give her antibiotics - can you tell I'm not crazy about medicine?) I've missed so much church it's not even funny.

So a little peek at the last few weeks. The weather has been gorgeous. 60 degrees and balmy. We've gotten spoiled and I've completely forgotten that it's actually February.

See the trashed picture? I blame it on the fact that I haven't been feeling great, but in actuality, my house looks like that every weekend. I don't know what it is about the weekend, but when Friday night hits, I kick into relaxation mode and only do the bare minimum in keeping up with the house. Then about 5:00 every Sunday evening, I suddenly can't stand the mess any longer, and I race around like crazy picking things up and cleaning and washing dishes. Just in time for Monday, I guess.

And this pile of goodies...this made my day! I love getting any kind of real mail anyway, and a package like this is so fun. Rachelle at With One Step sent it to me....I helped her with a tiny little coding issue on her blog, and she was sweet enough to send all of this to me. Thanks, Rachelle!

And thanks to Sara for hosting Project 365!



Nise' said...

I hope Savannah is feeling better. Her playing with stamps like stickers is priceless! Glad you got a picture of it.

Gina said...

Girls have lots of "stuff" don't they. That pic brought back memories! Cool that you captured that! Blessings!

Sincerely Anna said...

I'm with you on the weekend let-go. The downstairs room in our house looks like Legoland threw a parade. Loved all the pictures and hope Savannah is feeling better soon!

Gretchen said...

Oh, the stamp/sticker confusion...I, too am glad you got it on "film". Cute, cute, cute pictures of Savannah, and if you think that is a trashed gotta talk. ;)


P.S. Thank you for the sweet email.

His Girl said...

how fun to have such a great record of your year! i might have to try this sometime!

Anonymous said...

I kick myself into frenzied pick-up mode too. You should have SEEN all the stuff I just picked up.

Hope you all are at 100% soon!
Good pics!!

SarahHub said...

I hope you're feeling better soon, but I'm enjoying the photos in the meantime. And I'm pretty sure we all have those "trashed" photos. I blame it on my husband being home all weekend...

Growin' With It said...

great pictures and great job for not being hard on yourself for getting behind! the kiddie swing picture? melted me and made me do one of those big ol sighs wishing my boys were that little still!

Erin K. said...

I hope you all feel better soon! And, I totally relate with the trashed picture. Is it bad that seeing those types of pictures on other people's blogs makes me breath a sigh of relief about my own house? So, consider it your good deed for the day that you posted that. Maybe someday I'll return the favor and you can see how trashed my house gets. :-)

Moriah @ Please Pass the Salt said...

Last year we missed the ENTIRE month of January at church because the kids alternated being sick. It was so predictable it almost got laughable!

My kids have also gotten into the stamps a time or two. So frustrating!

And Drew just got one of those big floor puzzles in the very last photo and he LOVES it. So cute to watch him put it together (it's the ABCs).

Unknown said...

Love the quote under your header! Sorry to hear you are still coughing. I hope that you are feeling better soon!

SmilingSally said...

That coughing has gone on too long! You really should see an Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist. I coughed for two months once, and that helped me.

Rachelle said...

Love the pics! Glad you liked the goodies! ;)

RosyRose said...

Hey love your pics! Sounds like you and I should join a "blues" band:)Ha!
Thanks for your sweet comment!
Have a great day sista!

shell said...

thank you for showing your mess so i was not alone! :) your daughter is beautiful!!! and your pictures are fabulous!

Lisa said...

I am so with you about medication...tough it out, it will go away soon enough, is my motto.

I bet that mess took Savannah under five minutes to make!

Jeanette said...

Hey Jackie!

Thanks for swinging by my blog - it is always good to hear from new blog buddies :}

What part of Central IL did you grow up in? Isn't it a small world?

Hey, and thanks for showing the "trashed"'s good to know others do the same thing :}

Michelle@Life with Three said...

I'm glad someone else's house looks like that! I don't feel so bad! ;)

I think you're doing a great job with the pictures. This is going to sound odd, but your picture of the asparagus looks great. I can never seem to photograph food so that it actually looks appetizing!

Keep up the good work!