1. Go to Greece and Italy. Those are my two dream countries. I have a lot more on the list, but those are my top two. If any of you have ever been to either of those places, please tell me so that I can grill you for info.

2. Before I met and married Ricardo, I was on the path to becoming a missionary in Honduras, where I was going to work in an orphanage. Two things that I dearly love are missions and children, and so one day I would love it if we could give enough money to build a new orphanage.
3. Design and build my dream custom home. Which would include a huge, awesome kitchen. And I would love to be able to pay cash for it upfront, no mortgage payment, no interest.
4. Live on a couple of acres of land. Preferably with green, verdant grass and an excess of leafy trees scattered over the land. And my fantasy is to have a long windy lane, with graceful trees on either side that bend their branches towards each other to form a canopy of shade that my children can play under. Dreamy, no?

5. Fly an airplane. I realize this is a bit far-fetched. And I blame it on my dad, who used to take us to air shows when we were young, and from whom I acquired the love of flying machinery. I love heights and flying and the feeling of freedom (did I mention that I went sky-diving once?). I doubt it will ever happen, but it’s still something I would love.
6. Own a grand piano. Oh, how this would make my very soul happy. I love to play, and have been playing since I was 4 years old; but right now, I don’t even have a keyboard to practice on . I can picture it now; it is a gleaming black baby grand, sitting in my dream house, which of course has a music room.

7. Take a photography class and purchase a really good camera. I love being able to capture the little every day things, but I am not good at it. And my camera has the longest delay imaginable, so I miss a lot of good shots that would doubtless otherwise be destined for greatness were it not for the ineptness of my camera. Or possibly the camera operator.
8. Go to this bakery in Wisconsin.

We just saw a show on PBS about Wisconsin, and they featured this place. I have never, ever in my life seen pies like this. Ricardo was seriously ready to jump in the car and head cross-country just to get a slice after the show ended. And this picture doesn't even do it justice...the pies looked unbelievable on the program. (I realize this is such a frivolous thing, but it is 12:30 in the morning, and my brain is refusing to cooperate with the eight things I must do before I die).
Eight books I've read recently:
1. Sweet Caroline
2. What to Eat
3. As Sure as the Dawn
4. Making Children Mind Without Losing Yours
5. Shiloh Autumn
6. Sheet Music
7. Mrs. Mike
8. Total Money Makeover
I am not going to tag anyone, but please feel free to grab this meme and do it yourself if it looks fun, or if you need some good filler blog material. Whatever the case may be.
Mamachristina was also kind enough to bestow upon me this award from Arte y Pico.

I am passing this award onto the following bloggers, most of whom I have just gotten to know. I love to drop by their blogs, and they always make my day when they stop by mine to visit:
Sarah at Life in the Parsonage
Jennifer at The Miles Family Adventure
Jenn at A Country Girls Ramblings
Jennifer at Taking My Time
Tracey at Grace comes by Hearing
And the rules to go along with it:
1. Pick five (5) blogs that you consider deserve this award for their creativity, design, interesting material, and also for contributing to the blogging community, no matter what language.
2. Each award has to have the name of the author and also a link to his or her blog to be visited by everyone.
3. Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that has given her or him the award itself.Award-winner and the one who has given the prize have to show the link of “Arte y Pico” blog, so everyone will know the origin of this award (http://arteypico.blogspot.com/)