Saturday, May 10, 2008

A Mom....who prays

I packed my bags and headed off to Dallas. I was leaving home
to go to school, eager to leave Indiana and be out on my own.

My mom sent me off. And prayed for me.

A few years later, I was moving to New Mexico, beginning a whole new chapter of my life. I didn't know a soul out there, but I knew that my steps were being guided, so I went.

And my mom prayed for me. And worried, I'm sure. But mostly prayed.

I met my hubby-to-be a short time later. After a year of dating,
we were engaged. My parents loved him, and whole-heartedly
gave their approval.

And Mom kept on praying.

We got married back in Indiana, a very small wedding that was intimate and perfect and expressed who we were so well. Mom cried during the ceremony, but I knew she was happy.

She sent me off again, this time a married woman. And the prayers continued.

Savannah was born....her first grandchild. There was a new little somebody to pray for now, and I know nothing thrilled her more.

I might not have always understood or appreciated the way Mom thought, the way she did things. But one thing I have always been quite certain of; the woman can pray, and when she does, God listens. And moves.

So thank you, Mom, for raising 5 great kids. For 31 years of praying for me. I know we only see you once or twice a year - so not easy - but your prayers span the 1285 miles that separate us, and make things a little better.

And thank you to my beautiful made me a mama.......and you made me the happiest mama in the world.

Happy Mothers Day!


ttm said...

You and Savannah are gorgeous!

Sarah@Life in the Parsonage said...

So beautiful!!!

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

I'm sure she shed a tear or two over this tribute, as well. Very swweet.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much Jackie...what an encouragement to keep on in the ministry the Lord has given to me.
Linda is right...the tears are flowing! :)



P.S. When did Savannah make such a drastic change...she suddenly grew up!