Possibly picking up some matches? Birthday card? Toilet paper? Hairspray?
All good and normal purchases to make at such an establishment, yes?
Oh, but you would be sorely limiting yourself, if you did not also pick up a few of these:
Yes. Steaks. At the Dollar store, and for a dollar! Who would have guessed? It might just be me, but I am having issues with this. Maybe they are perfectly fine, but I have a hard time believing you can get a good piece of meat for a dollar. It also says you can find them in the frozen foods aisle. I have never seen a frozen foods aisle in any Dollar Store I have shopped at. I have seen those little mini freezers that they put near the registers that hold different varieties of ice cream, but those hardly seem like the right receptacle to hold red meat.
Ricardo wants me to take the add to Walmart and see if they will price-match.
I'm thinking the answer will be no.
That is so funny! I'd be leery of that for sure! Seems like something you'd see on Jay Leno's headlines.
I'm about to update my blogroll...would you mind if I added you?
Are you up for a meme? See my blog, you've been tagged!
I was just grilling burgers last night and wished for steaks. Sounds like a good bargain, but I don't think I could do it!
Yikes!! I wonder who is purchasing this kind of thing. You know they are out there.......I just hope it isn't my friends who are inviting me over for dinner. Another reason to stay home and do my own cookin.
Hey Jackie,
That was me in the last comment. My computer was logged on to my daughters' blogger account so the comment came up as them.....
Ewwwww and Ewwwww. I'm with you on this - steaks really should cost more than a dollar.
However, a dollar store near me does have a frozen foods section. It's very odd.
Yeah I love the Dollar Tree, the only actuall Dollar store where everything is a DOLLAR. Unlike the Family Dollar where you go in and there are things for $17...Ugh... Anyway I've seen the new Dollar Tree on the Westside has a refridgerator section but I didn't notice steaks.. not sure I would get them if I did see them anyway...
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